The story of my life for your enjoyment:

Washington State decided in 1998 that it was a good idea to send me out to survey the damage by introducing me to…life. At the age of sixteen I started to display early symptoms of Dungeon-Master-Adjacency Syndrome when placed within the context of a high school thespian society. Due to the aggression of the case, campus advisors feared the worst for my career path.

Despite some early setbacks, I emerged with an iron resolve to live a creative life that could be both abundant AND completely fucking outrageous.

Has this been achieved?

Abundance - Yes.

Fucking Outrageous = 1000% yes*

*Cited Incidents: Ayahuasca sleepovers in a Portland log cabin, nomading in Mexico and convincing myself to like Pulque, vibing with fire spinners at Burning Man, getting a tattoo during an ancestor summoning ritual, being culturally unaware in Jerusalem, I LARP now????

say hello wontcha?

  • racheltaylor2112@gmail.com

    +1 (360) 820-9179