Eclipse Reality

Humanity has always looked to the stars to find purpose. But when it comes down to it, the universe doesn’t care about you. The existence of everything you’ve ever known is just one tiny insignificant speck in the eyes of the cosmos. Kennedy Space Center, the hub for all of NASA’s mission launches, wants you to embrace your nothingness & Eclipse Reality.

Glow With the Glow

All physical advertising will feature black light elements to give off an otherworldly aura.

Stadium Blackout Bash

No one feels their insignificance more than college students finding their universal purpose. KSC will ask the nation’s schools to compete for the kindest acts during retrograde, with the winners hosting a town-wide blackout party.

We’ll turn off all the lights & bring out telescopes, with the astronomy department taking us on a humbling journey through the cosmos, generating interest in this field of science.

Ground Yourself

Nighttime isn’t the only period to connect with the universe. KSC campus visitors will have the opportunity to space out in the infinite nothingness with launchpad yoga.

Sessions will take place during sunrise, sunset, full & new moons, & other important astrological events. These will provide different spatial energies for us tiny specs to embrace.

Shout into the void

Whether you’re Neil Armstrong or Neil Nobody, everyone has their problems. KSC will create an online database for you to upload rants on whatever Earthy problems are bothering you. These will be cast off into space on the next NASA launch as an act of giving in to our cosmic meaninglessness.


Reserved for only those dedicated enough to spread our message of universal insignificance.

CW: Noah Wehr

AD: Rachel Taylor

CW: Noah Wehr AD: Rachel Taylor